The Canadian West Highland White Terrier Club (CWHWTC) was founded in 1952 and is the nationally recognized breed club of the Canadian Kennel Club. Our general purpose is to promote our breed, and to educate the public about our beloved little white friends. The Club consists of members spread across Canada, with a number in the USA and a scattering of others all over the world.
Other things we do:
- Promote the excellence of the breed by holding an Semi-Annual National Specialty
- Sponsor boosters and award prizes for conformation, obedience, and versatility
- Organize Westie Walks, Earthdog Tests, grooming seminars, and breed seminars
- Provide a list of breeder/members of our Club and the CKC on the club website.
Officers & Directors
Executive Committee
President: Lynda Scott
Vice-President: Tara Pye
Secretary: David Salter
Treasurer: Jo-Ann Finney
Immediate Past President: Vacant
Additional Directors
Membership Director: Heather Bowers
Regional Directors
British Columbia: Kelly Grier
Alberta: Sherry Day
Saskatchewan: Larraine Ratzlaff
Manitoba: Lynda Scott
Ontario: Vacant
Quebec: Elizabeth Pierce
Atlantic Provinces: Vacant